In this project guide, we’re doing a simple Musical Light Chaser circuit using two digital IC’s and some associated components. This is basically a hobby circuit, which you can build for Halloweens or Christmas decorations.
Here is a simple state of the art musical chaser circuit that can be used in discotheques or even at home if you are a little music crazy . The working of the circuit is straight forward ,the condenser mic pickup the sound and Q1 amplifies it.This signal is fed to clock input of IC1 ,CD 4016. The IC is wired in divide by ten mode. The out put of IC1 is given to clock input of IC2, CD4016.The out puts of IC 2 shown in the right side of IC2 in circuit diagram will run run according to the frequency of the input.Result ,we get 10 lights dancing in the according frequency of the sound available. If no sound is there the first light will glow steady. For saving space only arrangement for connecting only one lamp is shown in the diagram. Make 9 lamp arrangements like the one shown in figure and connect each if them to the each outputs of IC2 with the other ends connected to the circuit as that of one shown in circuit.
The power supply for the circuit is directly derived from the mains itself using D2 , R9,C4,C3 and D3, which adds an extra bonus of avoiding the bulky transformer to make the circuit compact.
Light Chaser Circuit Diagram with Parts List
- If the output does not respond to the music and only the first light remains glowing, adjust the level of input signal to IC1 by adjusting R1 since the cause of problem is the low voltage level of input to IC1. Problem is solved.
- Some parts of the circuit are live with potential shock hazard.So be careful.
We have more Audio Circuits and Light Circuits that you may like to read:
1. Hi Fi Audio Amplifier Circuit
2. Car Audio Amplifier Circuit
i have some problem
problem is:-
plz tell me value of diode D3,actually as per symbol D3 is zener diode,but “IN4007” is simple diode,so i am confuse about it
and also ,cmos ic need low power supply i.e.5 to 12 volt,but as in diagram we are giving 230 volt suply through diode ,so is it really step down at that level,
Is the circuit is correct,as this circuit works on directlly 230 soplz give me guideline.and about that “zener diode” exact value.
Thanx and Regards
Nikhil sonar
Well D3 should absolutely be a zener diod with a treshhold of 12V. I will limit the voltage to 12 v. Everything above that will be grounded through that zener. D2 will serve as a simple rectifier but it will produce an ugly pulsating direct current so c3 and c4 are used to somewhat stabilize the voltage, at least sufficiently for the application.
Your right about the 1n4007. That is a standard rectifier diod and suitalble as D2 in this circuit, wich also is a 1n4007 in the diagram. I believe they made a mistake here. I would absolutely use 1n4007 as D2 and a 12V zener as D3 for example a 1N5242B or 1N4742A.
How can I convert or use a 12v chaser as 120v AC as seen in this video? Does not have to be sound active.
Hi, its nice meeting u. as am a beginner in electronics, I would like u to Design an adjustable, seconds switches. with, 10 to 18 channel lite chaser, as my sturdy project. can anybody out there, be of help ? en How long a time en Price for post paid.
Regards,Steve Mens-Holland.
Please send me its programming,, and also the easiest circuit that on the leds without sound or with musical sounds.. thank you kindly do fast
mine is workng as a decade counter…..nd i dnt abt u all’s….!
ckt is working as a “KNOCK SENSOR” may dis is why it is not responding accordng to music..)
i hve built this ckt nd it is not workng accordng to d music signal input.. Insead it z workng as default ie. Once it completes one round nd d same z repeating … wt might b d reason. No doubt it z dancing when i keep touching d mic like d music ..
Mr Russel sorry. the Zener should have been shown as 12 volt 0.5 watts Zener.
Hi Jibin D1 & D2 are same as 1N4007.
Hi Sergio reduce R9 to 4K7 10 watts. also use 12 volt 0.5 watts or higher wattage zener diode for D3. no other change is required.
Are d1 and d2 diode no.s are same ie 1N4007?
To those asking for programming; you are not good enough to be playing with mains voltages. Go learn, then come back. To the author of the circuit. Do you have an uncle selling parts? Otherwise why publish a smoke em up circuit? A 1N4007 is a 1 amp 1KV diode not a zener! You will be putting half the peak mains voltage into low voltage circuitry! Exploding electrolytic city! As you show a zener symbol why not correct the number error before you go zapping all those dumb enough to build this circuit without knowledge? You know, something in the 12 volt range at around 5 to 10 watts? How about 1N5349 or 1N5350 instead of 1N4007?
Will this circuit work wth a 12v transformr for 10 LEDs?
Light Chaser Circuit Diagram/This circuit is for 230V, can I use it for 110V in the United states? Is any values to be changed in the circuit? Thanks. Sergio.
Hi Ashish This can be assembled on a standard glass epoxy universal PCB which has a high insulation voltage.
Can this circuit be made on PCBs..
if yes could you please send me the PCB layout and circuit design for it…
would be of great help..
Thank you very very much… 😀
Hi Ashish Bulb should be incandisent (normal filament bulb)the load per triac should not exceed 4Amps.
Yes D1, R7, Q2, R8, T1 and L1 should be repeated for each channel. A maximum of 10 channels can be used.
thank you SEETHARAMAN… but the doubt still remains..
what should be installed for the lightings: LEDs or TORCH BULBS and of what configs…??
at which positions..??
and D1.R7.Q2.R8.T1.L1 connection should be repeated for every lighting..??
Hi Ashish D3 is 12 volt 1 watt zener diode.
thanks you very much…
one more thing..the diode D3 symbols it zener or normal one..?
if zener then what should be its configs..
Hi Ashish all capacitors should be rated for a minimum of 25 volt DC.
Both the ICs are CD4017. There is no need to program them. ther decade counters and decimal decoders.
What are the Voltage requirements of all capacitors ?
What is the IC no.? Is it 4016 or 4017..?
also how to program the IC’s ??
theory is already explained also get all components details from
Sir..Plz send me the theory nd component details.. Plz rlp soon sir
Sir..Could u plz sent me programng nd othr detail such as components..I hve 2 tk a hard copy nd hve 2 submit the same in college..Plz rlp soon sir..Thanku..
Sir…Thanku 4 ur info abt d costs…
Hi Jibin May be around INR350 to 500 without bulbs.
Sir..Hw much will this project costs.? Plz rlpy soon sir
Hi Dilip you can try with Vega kits.
where can I get musical lights kit/ controller in mumbai, please guide if aware.
Erm, I don’t need the programming as I would find it impossible to program a couple of 4016 (without a hammer 😉
Good CCT, do the lights flash to the frequencies available in the audio stream? If so (being lazy) what is the frequency on/off of each O/P?
PCB Layout and programming would be great.
could you send me the programming