
This circuit was designed in response to a request from my reader. What he asked for was a 1KHz IR transmitter circuit for some remote control application. I think this circuit may satisfy him. Any way this circuit can be used where ever a low power IR transmitter of 1 KHz operating frequency is needed. This transmitter can transmit up to a distance of about 10 meters.

The circuit is based on a NE555 timer IC (IC1) which is wires as an astable multivibrator to produce 1KHz pulses. The output pulses of the IC1 will be amplified by the Q1(SK100) to drive the two IR transmitter LEDs wired serially. The resistors R1, R2 and capacitor C2 determines the operating frequency of the IC.The circuit starts emitting IR pulses when ever the push button switch S1 is pressed.

Circuit diagram with Parts list.



  • The circuit can be powered from a 9V PP3 battery.
  • The switch S1 is a push button type switch.
  • The IC 1 must be mounted on a holder.
  • Basic Oscillator (Tone Generator) At 1.8 KHz -alarm circuits




  2. Gaurav Saxena

    I need this SK-100 transistor but i am not able to found it, could anyone help me to suggest any other transistor for this project.

  3. I need a IR reciever circuit to detect IR signal(but should not respond to light from RED Led), How to make it? Can suggest a way with circuit daiagram & details

  4. what if i use 56E IN place of 47 OHM and 4.7 E in place of 6.8 ohm.

  5. what kind of recevier can i use with this circuit

  6. Can this circuit / transmitter transmit up to a distance of about 10 meters with any IR-lED (transmitter) & Photo-diode(receiver),if this is modified for 100 or 200Hz?

  7. hi am interested in an infared transmitter/reciever which can transmit three or more codes to adjust volume and to turn on/off the circuit if you could help me i would be gratefull thanks.

  8. hello sir,
    the circuit was very useful can u pls tell how did u start the process of designing and also send the full operating parameters so as to construct this ckt. thank you

  9. bikash mohanty

    excuse me sir.i m a Bput student orissa.i m very much interest to know about circuits components are use in general circuit .so pls kindly help me any way u can.

  10. bikash mohanty

    this side is realy very good for all students .and i think practical aplication shoud be given.and the components which are given here practicaly where it is use ,how we can use impliment it in different circuits it should be given.and we are the student very much intrested to know this.

  11. bikash mohanty

    i think more practical application should be given here.the component which are show here ,we want to know where it is use ,how this will be implimented in general circuits.

  12. could you construct an IR transmitter and IR receiver to produce 3 output? these outputs are motor, speaker, and and lamp.

  13. thanks for the comment pal! we are really glad that you got blesses in ur acadameics bcz of us!!

  14. i am in love with your works, you have greatly blessed my academics as an electrical electronics engineering student in a university in nigeria.
    i will be grateful if you can send me 12v dc to 220v ac inverter that can work at about 500 to 1000 watts.
    thanks, daniel fromm nigeria