AIM: To write programs for i. Addition ii. Subtraction iii. Multiplication iv. Division of two numbers in 89C51. Addition PROGRAM MOV R0,#00 MOV DPTR,#4200 MOVX A,@DPTR MOV B,A…
AIM To prepare a program for 8085 to convert a decimal number to its corresponding ASCII number and to convert a given ASCII TO decimal. PROGRAM FOR DECIMAL…
AIM:To prepare an assembly language program for 8085 to separate the nibbles of an 8 bit number. PROGRAM: MVI C,00 LDA 4200 MOV C,A ANI OF STA 4201…
AIM :To prepare an assembly language program for 8085 to count the number of zeros,even and odd numbers in an array PROGRAM MVI C,00 MVI D,00 MVI E,00…
AIM To prepare an assembly language program to find the square root of an 8 bit number for 8085 microprocessor PROGRAM MVI C,01 MVI E,01 LDA 4200 LABEL:SUBB…
AIM:To prepare an assembly language program for 8085 to multiply two 8 bit numbers PROGRAM MVI C,00 LDA 4200 MOV B,A LDA 4201 LABEL:SUBB B INR C JNC…
AIM To prepare an assembly language program for 8085 to multiply two 8 bit numbers PROGRAM MVI C,00 LDA 4200 MOV B,A LDA 4201 MOV A,D MVI A,00…
AIM:To prepare a program to add two 16 bit numbers for 8085 PROGRAM MVI E,00 LHLD 4200 MOV C,L MOV B,H LHLD 4202 DAD B JNC LABEL1 INR…
AIM To add two 8 bit numbers using 8085 microprocessor PROGRAM MV1 C,00 LDA 4200 MOV B,A LDA 4201 ADD B JNC LABEL1 INRC LABEL1:STA 4202 MOV A,C…
In our experiments we used Micro 85 EB trainer kit from Vi Micro systems. The steps involved in doing programs in trainer kit are summarized below.…
AIM To design and setup a UJT relaxation oscillator. COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS NEEDED 1. UJT (2N2446) 2. Resistors 3. Capacitor 4. CRO 4. DC power supply CIRCUIT DIAGRAM…
AIM To plot the characteristics of UJT (2N 2446) and to determine the intrinsic stand off ratio from the graph. COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 1. UJT…
AIM To plot the characteristics of BC 107 transistor and to find 1. Dynamic input resistance 2. Dynamic output resistance 3. Common emitter current gain COMPONENTS AND…
AIM To design and setup an RC integrator and differentiator circuits COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 1. Capacitors 2. Resistors 3. Signal generator 4. CRO CIRCUIT DIAGRAM…
AIM To design and set up a voltage regulator using Zener diode COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS 1. Bridge rectifier circuit 2. Zener diode (6.2 volt) 3. Resistors 4.…
AIM To realize various clamping circuits using diodes and capacitors COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS 1. Diode 2. Capacitor 3. DC power supply 4. CRO CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS…
AIM To set the diode clipping circuits COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 1. Diodes 2. Resistors 3. DC sources 4. Signal generator 5. CRO CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS …
AIM To implement the half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier using 1N 4007 diode COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 1. Diodes 2. Centre tap transformer 3. Resistors 4.…
AIM To plot the reverse characteristics of zener diode and to find the breakdown voltage COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS NEEDED 1. 6.2 V zener diode 2. Resistors…
AIM To plot the characteristics of a pn diode and to find its the cut in voltage and the dynamic resistance. COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED …