This jet engine sound generator circuit is based on the sound generator IC HT2844P from Holtek Semiconductors. This particular IC can make four sounds namely low speed sound of jet engine, high speed sound of jet engine, missile sound and machine gun sound. Each of these sounds can be activated by connecting the pins 12, 13, 14and 15 to ground by using the respective push button switches. Resistor R3 can be used for manually increasing or decreasing the speed.LED D1 gives a visible indication of the sound.

Circuit diagram.



  • The circuit can be powered from a 3V battery.
  • Do not give more than 3.3V to the IC.
  • K1 can be a 200mW/8 Ohm speaker.
  • IC1 must be mounted on a holder.


  1. Sir..
    I want to know which board is perfect for given circuit connection..

  2. Dave Moerel

    This chip seems to have disappeared, where can I get one,please.

    Regards D.F.Moerel

  3. sir dis is my 1st miniproject dat i am gng to do i want a lot of support frm u dat how to do nd vat to do

    • Seetharaman

      Yes all the components are available in the electronic spare market. you can assemble on universal board and use IC socket for the IC. Do not insert IC into the socket till you finish soldering and through checking of the wiring.

  4. Malik Mati

    can u please tell me the out put and full explanation of this circuit i want different thing that is related to this circuit please give a Good responce i`ll appriciate u

  5. hello sir,can we get all the components required for this?how much this circuit costs?

  6. Seetharaman

    Hi Noel there is no substitute for these ICs as they are ROMs programmed at the IC manufacturer’s works.

  7. noel unciangco

    hi seetharaman,may i ask if there is replacement for HT2844P

  8. Seetharaman

    Hi Patrick you can use Peizo buzzer in place of speaker. use the one which can work down to 2.7 volts.

  9. patrick vaz

    Hi Seetharaman,
    Can I use a Peizo Buzzer, instead of a speaker??

  10. thanks seetharaman..wish me luck in building this one..children will like this one..

  11. Seetharaman

    Hi Steven Yes you are correct no connections.

  12. thanks for the reply other leg of R3 is hanging??am i right??

  13. Seetharaman

    Hi Steven it is not to be connected. R3 is used as a rheostat (variable resistnce) not as a potentiometer.

  14. hey..may i ask the connection of the other leg of the R3??