CircuitsToday is listing some free engineering mini projects that can be presented and designed by students for their exams. These mini projects are applicable for B-Tech/BE engineering students from various streams like Electronics and Instrumentation (EI), Electronics and Communication (ECE), Electrical Engineering (EEE), diploma and so on.

Though the electronic circuits may look complex, they are explained in detail along with a circuit diagram, and are explained with links of all devices that are used in the circuit. Please note that these projects are meant for students, hobbyists and enthusiasts. If there are any doubts regarding the circuit, feel free to comment on the post. You can also bring in any modifications you want, and ask us if you have doubts. Furthermore, please go through the existing comments to get a better idea of the electronics mini project topics.

Electronics engineering mini projects

Top Electronics Projects for engineering students

1.       Street Light Circuit

This minor mini project is used to design a street light that brightens up when night falls and automatically turns OFF when daylight comes in. In order to detect the amount of light that is needed to decide when to cut-off the circuit and later activate it, this project is done with the help of a sensor called Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). The main principle used behind the LDR is that the presence of light causes the resistance of the sensor to go low. You can modify the circuit by placing LEDs instead of the 230-volt lamp. To know more about it, check out the comments given in the circuit. The circuit is comparatively easy to design, and further modifications can be made according to your choice.

2.       Battery Charger Circuit Using SCR

This is one of the most basic and best mini projects in electronics. Here a simple circuit that can be used to charge batteries is designed and created. A Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) is used to rectify the AC mains voltage to charge the battery. The circuit consists of basic transistor switching methods and the components are cheap and are available in all electronics shops. A detailed description of the post is also given, which will give you a better idea.

3.       Air Flow Detector Circuit

This simple mini project is used to design an indicator to show the rate of air flow in a given space. The air flow is sensed with the help of an incandescent bulb filament. The variations due to the change of resistance in the bulb due to the air flow are given to the input of an LM339 operational amplifier. The circuit diagram and a better description of the circuit are given in the post above. Further modifications can be brought to the circuit and some of them are given in the comments section.

You like to learn and do 10+ Arduino Projects?

We have created an awesome Arduino Course (online video course) with 10+ Arduino projects which are really useful and fun to do. Arduino is a great platform to build any type of electronics projects, be it a simple LED based project or a mini project like an automatic hand sanitizer or even a complex IoT project like a weather reporting station which publishes data to a website.

View Course Details

You will do the following projects in this full video course:

  1. Automatic Hand Sanitizer/Soap Dispenser
  2. Automatic Light Control using LDR
  3. Generating Patterns with LED’s
  4. Smart Door Lock using Keypads (Digital Code Lock)
  5. Home Security System (Protect against Fire accident, Gas leakage,)
  6. Weather Monitoring System (Measure Temperature & Humidity)
  7. Home Automation using Smartphone & TV Remote Control
  8. Line Follower Robot (the basics to build robots)
  9. Obstacle Avoidance Robot (learn to build intelligence in robots)
  10. Mobile Phone controlled Robot Car (wireless controlled robots)
  11. Smart Irrigation System
  12. IoT based Weather Station (Display weather data on website/web application)
View Course Details

4.       Water Level Alarm Circuit

This circuit is used to produce an alarm output (bell or light) when the level of water rises above a certain level. This circuit uses a basic astable multivibrator made from a 555 timer IC. A resistance probe is set on a point at which the alarm is to set ON, as soon as the water rises up to that level.  A detailed circuit can be seen in the post above. The number of components needed for this circuit is very less and can be easily assembled on a PCB.

5.       Low Cost Fire Alarm Circuit

This circuit can be used for detecting a fire and producing an alarm, thus alerting the people in the building where it is installed. A transistor sensor called BC177 is used to sense the heat produced due to the fire. A preset level can be kept for the transistor. As soon as the temperature rises above the set preset level, the leakage current of the transistor rises, thus driving the other transistors in the circuit.  A relay is also used to switch the bell load as its output. The components needed for the circuit can be obtained easily and the circuit is easy to design.

6.      Single Chip FM Radio Circuit

This mini project is mainly meant for Btech EC students. An IC called TDA7000 is used for the purpose. The IC is integrated with a Frequency-Locked-Loop system with an intermediate frequency of 70 kHz. There have been many complaints that the IC is obsolete. Please check the comments to know the exact site to buy the IC. For a more detailed explanation about the FM radio circuit, please check out the original post.

7.      Digital Stop Watch Circuit

The project consists of a digital watch designed with the help of a 555 timer IC and 4-bit digit counter IC called IC MM&4C926, and also a 7 segment LED display. The circuit can be easily designed and assembled on a printed circuit board. Further instructions and detailed working can be obtained from the original post.

8.      High and Low Voltage Cut-off With Delay and Alarm

This circuit can not only be presented as your mini project but can also be applied to your home electrical equipment to protect them from overvoltage fluctuations. The circuit requires very simple components like a monostable multivibrator using a 555 timer, a few transistors, and some diodes, relays and LED.

The detailed explanation is given in the post above, and if you wish you can easily modify the circuit to make it an automatic voltage stabilizer.

9.      Light Activated Switch Circuit

This circuit uses an LM 311 comparator IC and a light dependent resistor as its sensor. The output of the LDR is given to the inverting input of the comparator. The resistance remains high when there is no light and the resistance drops as soon as light falls on it. This lessens the voltage at the inverting input and thus the comparator produces a high output which turns a transistor and thus the relay on. A much more detailed working can be obtained from the original post.

10.  Mobile Incoming Call Indicator

This circuit can be used to escape from the nuisance of mobile phone rings when you are at home. This circuit will give a visual indication if placed near a mobile phone even if the ringer is deactivated.

Latest Electronics Mini Projects:-

1. Water Level Controller using Micro Controller – AT89S51

This is a classic mini project for electronics engineering students. This project, developed using AT89S51 (a version of 8051 from Atmel) with a well-explained circuit diagram and program, controls the water level in a tank by controlling a water pump motor depending on the current water levels. We have tested and verified this circuits functioning in our lab. The program is written in assembly language using the MCS-51 instruction set.

2. Frequency Counter Circuit using Avr Atmega8 controller

In this project, you can make a frequency counting device/system. We have developed this using Avr Atmega8 microcontroller. We have given the complete circuit diagram, software codes and other necessary information to make this project a reality.  If you are not familiar with Avr Atmega8 controller, we have developed a complete tutorial to learn Avr from the ground.

Note:- If you have any doubts, please ask in the comments section of the corresponding post

3. Digital Voltmeter using 8051 Microcontroller – AT89S51

In this project, you can make a simple digital voltmeter application which can measure up to 5 volts (0 to 5 volts). The circuit is developed using ADC0804 and AT89S51 microcontroller. The output is displayed using two 7 segment displays. The software is developed in assembly language.



  1. Rony voltage lab

    At first, i would like to tell, these projects are really awesome for me. It’s very small project and hopefully, i will do the street light circuit in the first attempt. Thanks for your nice article.

  2. hello sir will you please send a simple mini project related to electronics to my mail id.

  3. sir,i am an electronic student please send me some hobby project circuits which you think it will help me.Thank you sir.

  4. i want a project on full wave bridge rectifier with all its component reating to operate 10 A, 200 V DC brake..

  5. hey please i’m a computer engineering student specifically network please i i need simple project on computer network.

  6. nandhini

    we r studying 2nd yr ece we need a mini projects so pls help us

  7. sharmila

    i am an eie student i have mini project idea based on

  8. sir I m mechatronics student I need some simple projects in robotics or something about mechatronics

  9. Dhanshri shinde


  10. very nice idea but give more information about those projects.

  11. iam ece student i want mini projects titles with diagrams

  12. dharshanaa

    we r second year ece students!!! and we are trying to do a mini project in electronics!! please help us!!!

  13. musharaf

    sir pls give an idea about any mini project

  14. I am devi vaithilingam your projects are give more ideas. please send more mini projects details in my e-mail address.

  15. sir,
    we are implementing water level indicator using AT89C51 and we want to use a flow sensor in the circuit can you please help us.

  16. Hi sir I am Samarth from diploma in E&E. I want some circuits for my mini projects. Please send me its details and specifications and applications…

  17. am third year student looking for a project that can atleast work for me.please help me get it.

  18. sir iam vijay ece 3rdyear give me idea for mini project

  19. Dear sir/madam :
    I want hobby project title then microcontroller using circuit and program I want sir

  20. shweta kumari

    sir, i am student of 6th sem. ece branch. give me idea for mini project.

    • Hey…wireless power transfer is nice idea for mini project

  21. is iy possible to detect only outgoing calls and sms’s of the cellphone???????

  22. Harshitha K N

    Hai sir, I am 3rd year EC student I want some innovative mini project circuits on LED topic plz help me with your knowledge. Thank you

  23. sir, am ec 2 sem student,i want mini project but it is to be very simply

  24. Akshay KB

    sir iam a 3 rd yea BE student. I wanna do a mini project. so plz suggest me a hardware related projects

  25. I am a 3rd year b tech ec student .i need some wonderful and variety mini project ideas and simple too….and it should be super…

  26. Ajith Rajan

    sir, i am ajith third year electronics and communication student i want some innovative ideas for my mini project pls help me

  27. plz give me digital voltmeter using 8051 with lcd … also give program

  28. hello sir,
    iam third year ECE Student. i need a simple hard work project for low cost and simple circuitry. so, please send projects topic and full details of concept.

  29. Sir plz I want a mini project idea, the project must be based on. Uc 8051 Sir plz suggest me the names of project

    • elizabeth

      im also a 3rd year ece student,i found a mini project on electronic attendence and door access by thumb print…it was made with 8051uc, intersting.but as ma guide wanted the project to be done with discreet components,i cant do u hav to do your projct based on the same uc it seemed to me to give you this suggestion…Hope you find it helpful

  30. i am a 3rd year student
    i got a project that is i have to design a device such that it directly converts the data from usb port and send it to vga port of projector without using laptop.
    please help me if anyone have relevant info.

  31. i am ravi doing ece 4th sem i want to simple mini project. pl kindly sugest me some topic with low cost.

  32. gudeven sir
    I am 2 nd yr plz send simple project work which is usefull in daliy life

  33. Hello sir,
    I am DIVYA of third year ENTC student.Kindly sugest me some topics for my mini project of low cost and less circuitry.

  34. antony stagen

    Sir am ec student I want some circuit for mini project so I humbly request you to send some circuits

  35. aishwarya

    hi sir. i am a 3rd yr ece student. pls send me an useful project to participate in competitions. thank u sir.

  36. bins t jose

    Hai I’m bins t jose studying instrumentation & control engg.i would like to do a mini project without using microcontrollers.i would like to do medical electronic instrumentation based please suggest me interesting projects.budjet below RS.7000/-

  37. priyadharshni

    Gudmrg sir..i am priyadharshni.. i am studying ece third year..i want some circuits related to digital ics..i want some innovative circuit and also it should be new…plz help me with ur knowledge..thank you so much sir..

  38. Hai, I am srujana studying diploma final year in E.C.E. branch. I would like to do a project work related to “SOLAR SYSTEMS”. ls my choice is right ? I am totally confused. please suggest me some good,new and interesting projects quickly.

  39. Hai sir i am studying in 3rd yr ece dept .i want one simple mini project low cost&circuit diagram&components are plz sent me
    thank u sir

  40. Akash kumar

    sir.I studied 4th year in ece dept.i want 1 easy
    & miniproject in low cost.ideals and circuit sent me
    sir.thanku sir.


    Hai sir.I studied 3rd year in ece dept.i want 1 easy & miniproject in low cost.ideals and circuit sent me sir.thanku sir.

  42. jyothirlatha

    sir im a student of 2nd ece.i want a simple,new and mini project on electronics so plz suggest me a best topic.

    • Ashwani Bharti

      Hi sir i Ashwani Bharti the student of 3rd year in Electrical Branch. I want a simple new miniproject on electronics. So plz suggest me a simple & good topic…..

  43. I want a simple mini project circuit with free of project related to prbs with design.

  44. vinothini

    hi friends
    i have competion. so i want project abstract which one i select please say some idea

    • Do searce for mini circuit projects on the internet.

  45. vinothini

    i want exciting and important project. its very important to world now a days . but its very simple to make even 2nd yr students


    Dear Sir,

    I need the circuit diagram of dancing LED with 20 to 50 LEDS the dancing of the LED must be based on the output of dvd player

    Kindly provide the circuit diagram……..

  47. sir,i need the project that give the alarm when the cell phone is fully charged.(to save electricity)

  48. Sir, we want to make a wireless charger.. please give us a simple circuit, to start with. I am a first year BTech ECE student.

  49. Sir. I need a simple project which is cell phone charger using wind mill

  50. I’m doing 2nd year ece..give some new mini projects for ece

  51. i need mini projects in electrical

    i need mini projects in electrical

  52. Namdeo Fulari

    I want some irrigation controller project for drip irrigation
    Please suggest.

  53. ask 433mhz transmitter and reciever is not available, at that situation what i will choose instad of ask 433mhz

  54. Godden Agwu

    I need a project content of design and construction of potable solar charger

  55. i need some mini projects based on(using) instrumentation amplifier…

    • Seetharaman

      UJTs are just triggering pulse generators can be used with thyristor devices. It is normally used in thyristor inverters see GE Application drawings.

  56. Text editor on a LCD using AT89C5 microcontroller and keyboard (AT89C51)

  57. i need some different and latest electronics mini project using microcontroller

    • i have mini project done with avr and zigbee.
      having report and product with me
      will give you for around 12000rs only.
      street light system using zigbee and microcontroller.
      it is latest topic.many functions are done with it.
      i am in trivandrum.if u want any details contact me

  58. i need simple analog circuits to do mini project.. can u give me some idea please

    • Seetharaman

      You can construct an LM317 based variable power supply which will be useful for day to day use and for powering mini projects, which you are planning in the future.

  59. sir i like to make current by using wifi or fm frequency . here i saw mobile incoming call indicator so i think it will be easy to make current/ (12v atleast ) .so please help me to do this .i jus got a circuit but i couldnt make current as i wanted

    • Seetharaman

      You will get current in the range of micro ampere by transmitting high power signal consuming lots of power??!!!. The project may look very interesting but not practically viable please. Please note the mobile call indicator uses it’s own power supply not taking the radiated power to show direct indication.

  60. I want a simple mini project circuit with low cost

  61. Sir, I want a street light circuit please send it to me

  62. hai…. it seems to be interesting …. i ll try with home based health monitoring system…

  63. i want block diagram for embedded system control using lpg leak detection and prevention on or before 11-3-2014

  64. sri gayathri

    sir i need an mini project in electronic side.i am not intrested to do the above plz send the detais about the new projects.

  65. hello sir: i am 2nd year student of bio-medical engineering
    i want to do a mini project on bio-sensor,please tell me some inovative idea,

  66. Plz send . Air Flow Detector Circuit and Water Level Alarm Circuit projects details and ckt diagrams

  67. Hello. I am currently busy with my in-service training(final year) in Electronic engineering and I would like you to give me an idea of an electronic project that will benefit a company that manufactures electronic fuzes.

    • i need a simple mini projects in ece ,but it should be innovativeand minimum cost

  68. Very nice.I will get some ideas in my project.thank u….sir


    hi sir.i studyed 1st year in ece dpt.i want 1 easy &mini project in low cost. ideas and circuit sent me sir

  70. R D LAMBUD

    i want project in digital electroncs
    simple and of min cost plz send

  71. Sir i need a simple spy camera project .in verry low cost
    Am a electronics diploma student

  72. i need a mini project sir tis is very simple. i want to contol the regulator and its problem.

  73. subalakshmi

    it is very use full for me thank for ur updates

  74. hello sir i’m looking for projectro based mini projects.How to make it????


    sir I am 3rd year degree student. I want to need a simple mini project and the material cost is minimum charge. related to electrical or electronics with circuit diagram but it should be effective and innovative.please send me a good one.

    • shanu kumar

      in my point of view u can go for simple mobile jammer circuit…

  76. I need simple project in oracle plz send. I am in B.E. 3rd year cse

    • dheeraj kumar sharma

      you can make electronic leter box and for information you may meet on my mail id

  77. i need a simple and low cost project but it should be effective.please send me a good one . i am doing second year eee.

  78. I need a simple and different mini project. Please send me.

  79. sir I am 2nd year EEE student. I want to need a simple mini project and the material cost is minimum charge. please send any mini project with related to electrical or electronics with circuit diagram.

    • Hey
      if u got sme idea plz share it wd me even i need it

    • i am second year ECE student. you send circuit diagram with title name then i can try this project

  80. as this mini projects has already done if i select this project and do whether it will b considered as my mini project or else it will b rejected??but i am not submiting tis as my main project just for gaining some knowledge i am working on tis mini project..

    • hai priyanka this is kishore designing engg in RND.
      what are the projects currently you are working?
      what is your mini project?

  81. HEllo sir m looking for a project related to lED m a btech 1st year student please suggest me some helpfull mini projects list with related links of description how to make those projects.

  82. tripurari pandey

    in mobile incoming call indicator..
    the coil is used
    can i change dis nd attch another coil of some value..
    tell me values of coil

  83. Good day

    I’m a b-tech student Electronic Engineering ,pls assist Im looking for a Project for my design project 4 pls gv me suggestions.

  84. please provide a simple semester project regarding optical communication

  85. damini matre

    what is the cost of this project ? can u tell me plzzzzzz?

  86. Sir if u have any mini projects with some disadvantages pls send to email I will try to solve it…………

  87. Sir I want to make an automatic alarm device which is used in some,please give information about circuit design and which apparatus is required for that and how to set timings in that alarm………….

  88. I am TY BSc student. please send me new mini physics projects ideas.plz immediately send me…..

    • ok let me know
      what is your hope on electronics

  89. arulselvi.s

    i am a 2nd yr EEE student and i have to do mini projects related to electrical tell me some recent technologies…

  90. Joseph jude

    I m 2nd yr cse student . I need some mini projects with latest innovation .can any send me to my email address with circuit diagram

  91. hello i am a final year student of B.Tech i have to make a mini project this year but i’m quite clueless about my project topic .can u help me with this.plz inform me about project topics which are easy and innovative as me as i don’t know from where to start with.

  92. i am an 3rd year ece student i need some details regarding street light circuits with circuit diagram.

  93. tejaswini

    I m 2nd yr student nd I m so excited to do any new fast , cheap and effective mini project. Plz send me suggestions

    • hello help me send easy diploma project based from plc or ardino or pneumatic

  94. mini transistor

    i want simple electronic project with diagram and procedure that how its working.
    please give me information in brief to submit the project.
    and it is not compulsory to give me info about only these only you will also provide me any type of simple electronic project.
    please provide me mail to how to make a electronic project

  95. hello sir i want brif information and manual for electonic moskito ripelant
    circuit diagram and required material list

  96. vinit maru

    sir please tell me some recent and innovative project on wireless technology?????

  97. i m final year i required ckt. digram of function generator with its full detail and proper working of that circuit

    • Shaukat ali

      It will take time .
      Use your time to search it.

  98. it is very good website for engineering students thanks for publishing this

  99. I am looking for a simple inexpensive kit/module/project for an elapsed time counter that starts counting UP from zero in hours and minutes when I give it a high or low and stops counting and displays the elapsed time in hrs and mins when I remove the high/low or give it another pulse. The elapsed time could be as much as 4 or 5 hours.

    Can you steer me to something that can be made to do this? My grandson (age 12) could build it but I do not speak any microcontroller software languages so can only go that route if it is pre-programed. Thanx.

    Bert Blanton

  100. i am a 2nd year ece student i need some mini projects send me then with their circuit diagram

    • Shaukat ali

      Here you can any kind of mini project as your need with circuit diagram component and all info to complete your mini project:-)

  101. I am a 3rd year ece student.
    I want to some mini projects if u have pls send us

    • Shaukat ali

      Read out this website
      and complete your need:-)
      you will get here all.

  102. plz hlp me out in doing a new project which is quite innovative

  103. Manthen LR

    I am second year Electronics student.i feeling so happy to visit this website i fully understood by this information thank you so much

  104. i want to do unique mini project; and i want to see list of new plz help me for that. i am final year diploma student of e&tc branch.

  105. sir ,iam third year EEE,and its time for me to do mini projects ,need a variety and little complex design ….i would like to hear your suggestion please

  106. christo paul

    i am a 2nd year ec student. i need some mini electronic circuits which is interesting and inspiring at low cost materials

  107. I want to know about “low level serial flash spi[serial peripheral interface] driver” this is about embedded systems ., i want some information or abstract about that. help me to get through, thank u.

      • sir i want mini project which that no one had should be low cost,compatible. plz send me list of some projects. i am related with e&tc branch. and i wntd projeect for third year diploma in e&tc.

  108. Hi, sir can u give me the code either in assembly or C language for “Light Following/sensing Robot” and “wireless power transfer” using At89c51 microcontroller or tell me any other source plz i shall be greatful.

  109. Hi,sir can u give me the code either in assembly language or in C for “Light following Robot” and “wireless power transfer” using At89c51 microcontroller or tell me any other source of finding this.

  110. K.Nandiniramana

    Im student cmpld my 3rd year eee .im interested in dng a mini project in the area of electronics .wht area i have 2 do my project

  111. i am a first year instrumentation student sir i want some miniprojects of low cost&easy

  112. calvin Azo.

    gooday,i’m an Electrical/electronics student and i am told to construct a 15volt input voltage amplifier using 555 timer interfaced with op-amp for my mini project. Can some one help me with the circuit diagram for such a combination?

  113. we want some electronics mini projects with circuit diagram(latest),if u have some then plz send us…

  114. sir I m 4th sem (EXTC) student can u plzz give me a simple project…
    we mount projct on breadboard..

  115. sangamithirai.s

    i am 6th student sir, can u suggest me any mini projects

  116. a good site for getting better project ideas …………
    better update it with some more new ideas for 2013…

  117. junaid ahmed

    this website is my most favorite… I had ever seen…..

    1.I want to build a solar charging mobile phones but with a moderate solar panel(equal to size of mobile phone panels) & EFFECTIVE as well …please send me some idea’s and circuits to my email ID..?????????

  118. Sir,
    iam working in pvt company,i want one simple circuit.i using 24volt sensor. i sensing one object, after 3 counting(24volt) one output 24volt go to on coil.Pls revert me if any clarifications my mail :

  119. pls sir sent miniproject about wireless communication for 3yr

  120. supriya hangargekar

    will u please send me the list of mini projects based on 8086 microprocessor…. we have the assignment consists of small project related to 8086 microprocessor.


    Those mini projects which are related to electronics are very useful in doing many projects……………….

  122. Achala Arya

    i m 2nd year ece student plz give me the circuit diagram and layout of home security alarm circuit in witch using bar magnet plzzzzz

  123. project on op-amps741 and timer555

    please sir dnt frget send me about the details which was mention above

  124. mathankumar

    i want to more informations in networking projects and mini project.
    so help me

  125. will you suggest any signal booster circuit which will boost signals coming to the antenna ,bcoz i am not getting good picture quality on tv screen

  126. i am not getting the signals to tv antenna properly,
    many times i am not getting good picture quality on my tv screen,
    so please will you suggest any simple circuit for the signal booster which will boots the signals coming to antenna and i will get a better signals

  127. krupa.n.raj

    i need to do mini project based on electronic please help me. . . . . . . . .

    • i need to do mini project based on electronic please help me. . . . . . . .

  128. rashmi gawande

    i ambe 6th sem student plzzzz sugest topic for mini project

  129. i am studying 3rd year ece inned a mini projecs

  130. Respected sir i want to more details about Single chip fm radio pls

  131. kalaiarasi

    i am doing 3rd year in ECE.I want one mini project .please help me

  132. need to know more about mobile incoming call detector and battery charger using scr.
    plzzz help!

  133. i am 3yr ece student i need one mini project plz help me sir

  134. give more information about street light circuit n circuit diagram for this

  135. i am 3rd year ece student i want interestful mini project topic

  136. sir, i am a 3rde year students in TEE. i need a mini project please give me an idea.

  137. kindly provide the appications, advantages of batterry bank protector with multiple featurs, which was included in EFY magazine,hope you do the needful

  138. i want a simple less cost mini project “For the safety of women as an ornament “in a different style.

  139. i want to know more about street light project, mobile incoming call projects..

  140. i am doing 3rdyear ECE . i need one mini project plssssssssssss help me sir,,,,,,,,,,

  141. sir
    i am doin ma thrd year engg. would u mind helping me with some topics for ma mini proj so that i could carry dat forward for ma final year main proj

  142. sir,can u please suggest me whether ‘mini ups system’ a good mini project for ECE students….?!

  143. please send a circuit board of RF Tx and Rx using micro controller(AT89S52) for robo race

  144. sir i want a totally different socially usefull miniproject….pls provide me neccesary topics with the necessary matter circuits and block diagrams

  145. i need a mini projects in electronics and instrumentations

    • if u get one plz help me too pal.. i will do the same

  146. pratik mote

    sir,am 2nd year entc engineering student…….and i wanted to do the mini project….i had choose fm transmitter…..soo plz do me some help for this project….send me information about fm transmitter on my id……thanku…

  147. sir..
    I am in 3rd engineering. I want to make miniproject which i can carry forward for 4th year main project.
    And also useful in electronic n tele com industry
    pls suggest topics regarding this.
    Can i do on vlsi..?

    • amitsharma

      f you want to purchase it you can call on 09255489824.

  148. sir,i’m working on the avr project “gsm based home security system”.my coding is not very well i need help in programming of avr related to the project

    • jojo


      We may not be able to help you at the moment, as we have very high time limitations. Sorry for this!

  149. sir pls send some latest pcb mini projects to me……….

  150. Malik mazhar

    Guys please some one that can post a signal jammer to block Radio And T.V chanel

  151. maulik patel

    i want 1 mini project for power electronics

    The project should have scr ,as its one of component.
    I am in BE 5th sem electrical

  152. Hi,

    Guys please some one that can post a signal jammer circuit that is either microcontroller based or simple?

  153. Plz send me mobile charger circuit works on 9 volts DC battery

  154. Shubham sharma

    Any one give me a working,theoretical background,principle used,block diagram & description of block,objectives,observation table,observation,etc.
    its my project name
    plzzz… replyyy…fasttt…

    • pls change ur topic yaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………………….
      otherwise u ll regret……………………..

  155. sakunthala

    I need real time application using wireless communication mini project please sent to my id

  156. shekhar bhonde

    plz sujesst a ckt which could find the low cost low waited

  157. mohammedali

    sir iam studying diploma 3rd sem & we have a convergence in our college ie., i want to do any thing that can impress every one wit my skills so pls help me im frm ece department… eagerly waiting ur reply ie., for ur project help…

  158. sir.. Last time when i was in 4th sem i had used ur inverter circuit for my mni project, it was …. NOw i want some low budget project for final year foe deploma in electrical and electronics…plz let me know if you have

  159. Aminu bello

    Hello. Please i need a project report on mobile incoming call indicator, from chapter one to five. Thanks.

  160. saji chandran

    i need a electronic mini project based on electronic circiuts

  161. i want a mini project with less components because i am studying btech 2nd year

  162. sudheer kumar

    i need the titles for the mini projects and i wish to do some mini projects in the microcontroller and to use the led to display something

  163. i need the titles for the mini projects and i wish to do some mini projects in the microcontroller and to use the led to display something

  164. Myself sathya,frm IT…2nd year..i ‘ve a mini project in digital…i dono wt to do… i need ur help …looking forward ur reply…pls do some help for me..tq.

  165. Whether it is possible to implement bluetooth in digital cameras? Is this an easy task? Could someone help me out?

  166. i am in 5th sem ….i want to present hardware model in fest,,,so plz advise what mini projectregarding electroniccircuits relating i have to choose(some what simple)

  167. upload more projects.this site is usefull to me 🙂

  168. This site is very useful for ec students ok best site

  169. i am new in this am in 3rd sem
    but its good i real enjoyed

  170. i am looking for basic projects which related to current affairs with easy will u pls send some more mini projects.

  171. i had a great doubt what is mean by electronics . . . . . ?

    • Pretty great doubt indeed!
      You can interpret electronics as “using various number of components (of course electronic components) to modulate the flow of electrons needed for the particular application you are designing”

    • it is the application of the flow of electrons (controlling the flow) .

  172. bl@ckjack

    iam looking at project that involves coding i.e., a project that does not involve hardware
    pls help

  173. your site is really helpfull for electronics beginers

  174. emmanuel gyampo

    Most of the people who are big time engineers rely mostly from circuits-today since they have used it before and after their engineering course.I was introduced to this site by Engineer Professor.

  175. SUPERB PROJECTS!.i am in need of your help for doing the mini project related to current affairs

  176. Christy ann mathews

    I found this place very useful…still i would like to get the detailed circuit and components required of each of the above project.Really looking forward to your help.ty

      • i am the student of electronics &
        comm .i need a mini project .can you help pe

        • hello sir vill u pls tell a simple mini project related to basic digital system and also project based on 555 timer

          • i want mini project titles based on embedded system